Rabu, 29 April 2009

A Indonesian fable - LEGEND TEMPLE of PRAMBANAN

A Indonesian fable or folklore which we present for the man who fond of internet. Apologize when read there is mistake of me, by translate of English.

At elbow town of Yogyakarta there is temple beautiful Hindu in Indonesia. This temple is woke up in ninth century Masehi. because located in the countryside Prambanan , hence this temple is referred as by temple of Prambanan but famous also as temple of Roro Jonggrang, a name of taken away from by legend of Roro Jonggrang and of Bandung Bondowoso. Like this its story.

The it is said a so called king of Prabu Baka. He have Throne to in Prambanan. This King a big and fearful giant is its power. Nevertheless, if is born to, finally he fail also with King of Pengging. Prabu Baka die in battlefield. Victory King of Pengging that is caused by so strongman aid, his name Bondowoso which famous also as Bandung Bondowoso. because him have miraculous weapon, its name Bandung.

In The Affirmative King of Pengging, Bandung Bondowoso occupy Palace of Prambanan. Here he fascinated by beauty of Rara Jonggrang, putri of is ex- its opponent -- yes, even killed princess it. Any way, he will him.

Jonggrang fear to refuse that proposal to marry. But that way, she will not accept it off hand. She will marry with Bandung Bondowoso so long as its fulfilled conditions. Its condition so that she is ask for made a thousand temple and two well which in. Altogether have to finish during last night. Bandung Bondowoso promise him, though rather objection. He have recourse its own father, miraculous people which have smooth souls army.

Determined day, Bandung Bondowoso along with its follower and devils start to build that big temple. Tim Bandung Bondowoso Work surprising is way of and speed of them work. After four o'clock morning only remaining five temple which must be prepared. Despitefully its well even also have almost finish.

Entire/All dweller of Palace of Prambanan become muzziness because them sure that any Tomment condition of Jonggrang will fufilled. What having to act of ? Immediately girls aroused and ordered to box paddy in mortar and also spread odorous flower its aroma. Hearing mortar sound and smell odorous flowers, smooth souls discontinue work of them because them predict day have noon. Making of temple less a, but what will word, smooth soul desist to do its duty and is unassisted they not possible to Bandung Bondowoso finish [him/it].

time morning after of Bandung Bondowoso know that its effort fail, angry unbelievableness of him. He curse all girl around Prambanan -- there will be no one who is their wife will until they become spinster. While is Tomment of Jonggrang alone cursed to become arca. The Arca there are in big temple room which is hitherto named by Tomment temple Jonggrang. Temples exist in nearness referred Temple of Sewu with the meaning a thousand.

Selasa, 28 April 2009

Folklore Indonesia


Yore, there is a so called empire Medang Kamulan governed by so called king of Prabu Dewataf Cengkar savage and like to eat human being. Every day the the king eat a human being brought by Young Patih Jugul. Partly small the than anxious people and fear evacuate on the quiet to other area.

In orchard of Medang Kawit there a so called young man Aji Saka miraculous, kindhearted and diligent. One day, Aji Saka success help a old father which slapping around by two robber people. Old father which is finally lifted by father by Aji Saka that in the reality refugee of Medang Kamulan. Hearing story about savageness of Prabu Deity of Cengkar, Aji of Saka intend to help people of Medang Kamulan. By imposing turban in Aji head of Saka go to Medang Kamulan.

Journey to Medang Kamulan is not smoothly, Aji Saka have time to give battle during seven day seven night with devil penunggu of forest, because Aji Saka refuse to be made by slave by devil of waiter during ten years before enabled to pass that forest.

But its miracle blessing, Aji Saka success later from fire blast the devil. Momentary after Aji Saka pray, a fold light turn yellow to floodlight from sky punch devil dweller of forest at the same time wiping out him

Aji Saka arrive Medang Kamulan. In palace, Prabu Deity of Cengkar irate because Young Patih Jugul arise victim not to the the Prabu.

Bravely, Aji Saka face Prabu Deity of Cengkar and surrender to be dined by the Prabu with land reward for the width of used turban it.

Their moment measuring land according to request of Aji Saka, turban continue length so that broadness exceed wide of empire of Prabu Deity of Cengkar. Angry Prabu after knowing Aji Saka intention real is to terminating its it.

When Prabu Deity of Cengkar in a rage, turban Aji Saka twine strength body of is the Prabu. Body of Prabu Deity of Cengkar thrown by Aji Saka and fall to south sea then lose to be swallowed by wave.

Then Aji Saka become king of Medang Kamulan. He carry its father to palace. wise and fair Governance blessing, Aji Saka send Empire of Medang Kamulan to golden era, era where calm life people, peace, secure and prosperous and prosperous

Sabtu, 25 April 2009

45 Anggota DPRD Blora 2009-2014

Pemilu 2009 pada rekapitulasi KPU Blora, memunculkan ke 45 anggota DPRD Blora periode 2009-2014

Dokumen AGUNG BR

Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Blora, 18 Nopember 1966

Alamat : Jl Gatot Subroto 84 Blora

Pendidikan terakhir : Sarjana ekonomi

Pekerjaan : Wartawan
Nama Istri : Nur Insa SPd.

Tanggal lahir : Surabaya, 20 April 1968

Alamat : Jl Gatot Subroto 84 Blora

Pendidikan terakhir : Sarjana PendidikanIKIP PGRI Surabaya

Pekerjaan : PNS (GURU SMPN 6 Blora)

Anak : 3 orang

Anak Petama : Andy Novendra Kharisma

Lahir : 1 Nopember 1985Anak

kedua : Mughnii Septindra Kharisma

Lahir : 5 September 1999

Anak ketiga : Jelita Bayuliana Kharisma

Lahir : 6 Juli 2005
Riwayat Pendidikan

1. SD Kristen Blora Lulus tahun 1979

2. SMPN 1 Blora Lulus tahun 1982

3. SMAN 1 Blora Lulus tahun 1985

4. Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya Lulus tahun 1990

5. Program spesialis ekonomi Universitas Trisakti Jakarta th 1991

Riwayat Pekerjaan

1. Kontributor koran Surabaya Pos Surabaya tahun 1989

2. Wartawan Sinar Pagi Jakarta th 1990-1991

3. Vice Manager CV Rimba Jaya Bandung th1991-1992

4. Perum perhutani Surakarta th 1992 – 1996

5. Direktur CV Dhadi Agung Solo th 1996

6. Wartawan koran SURYA Surabaya th 1996 –1997

7. Merangkap NGO Komisi Pengawas Korupsi Indonesia Wilayah Blora th 1998-2000

8. Wartawan koran Diva th 2001 –2005

9. Wartawan Tabloid Jelita Jakarta 2005 – 2006

10. Wartawan Tabloid Kriminal Semarang th 2006 – 2007

11.Wartawan Tabloid Suara Rakyat Blora th 2007 – 2008.

12. Redaktur Tabloid Suara Rakyat 2008 -Skr


1. Sekretaris II Senat Mahasiswa Untag Surabaya 1986-1989

2.Humas Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam Surabaya 1987-1988

3.Ketua Karang Taruna kelurahan Pajang kec. Laweyan Surakarta th.1992-1994

4.Ketua II Asosiasi Pengrajin Kayu Solo 1993-1995

5. Sekretaris PELTI BUMN Solo th 1992-1995

6. Humas III Arseto Solo 1995 -1997

7. Humas Persikaba 2009 - Skr